Rabu, 27 Julai 2011


ARGHHH!!!! Padan muke!

Dah nak masuk Ramadhan tapi tak buat ape2 pun. Change lifestyle konon!
OK, nak buat Atkins la...for life? Hopefully...



Rabu, 8 Jun 2011

I have decide

First of all, i would like to say,  i have fitted back into my favourite XXXXL clothes! Yeay! And being me, a person who is easily satisfied, I laid back. Lepak and lepak and lepak and makan2 too. So, today i have decide to not be on a diet BUT to change my lifestyle.

I have a very sedentary lifestyle. So, today i want to get up and move! I will use this  fitday.com. as my log book.

Using the log book, i need to take 1500kcal perday, in order to achieve my target weight in 3 years. This time i want it to be permanent!

Khamis, 2 Jun 2011


Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting throught the wind
Wanting to start again

Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards
One blow from caving in

Do you ever feel already buried deep
Six feet under scream
But no one seems to hear a thing

Do you know that there's still a chance for you
Cause there's a spark in you

You just gotta ignite the light
And let it shine
Just own the night
Like the Fourth of July

Cause baby you're a firework
Come on show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby you're a firework
Come on let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh!"
You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road

This song lifts my spirit! Enjoy!

Sabtu, 7 Mei 2011

Lifestyle Change

No more junk food! No more sweets, cakes etc. Bole ke? Waduh..nggak bole ni bu...

I don't think i can stop taking certain food for life. Therefore the best is calorie counting. And minimise taking unhealthy food.

Tapi kan, when you do Atkins Diet, you can really feel the energy and difference after 3-4 days. The only thing is, i have to really dicipline myself.

What do you think calorie counting or Atkins? please refer for Atkins

So, how do you make a lifestyle change?

1. Start small
          -I will only drink plain water
          -I must exercise - pelan2 kayuh beb! Aku nak mula ngan walking kat threadmill everyday.
2. Reasonable Target
          - takkan nak lose 3kg a day kan?
          - aku tak nak timbang dulu, bila dah rasa baju longgar baru aku naik atas scale tu. Tak sanggup nak tengok!
3. Focus
          - selalu noo terbabas
4. Perseverance
          - Yep! Yang pipih takkan datang melayang, yang bulat takkan datang bergolek!
5. Enjoy Life
          - don't let your emotion control you. Aku tak nak makan bila marah atau sedih lagi.

So aku mula ngan plain water and exercise dulu. Wish me luck!

Jumaat, 6 Mei 2011

Wake Up Call!!

OMG!!! This is really depressing! I could not fit in my favourite XXXXL clothes anymore! I don't want to make any new wardrobe, so by hook or by crook I have to lose weight and I'm going to start tonight. Oh dear..please..please listen to your body...it hurts all over..it has no energy..

This is a tip from CEO of ShapeFit.com

"Its never too late to start. No matter how much you're currently overweight or how out of shape you are, you can ALWAYS start making changes and improve your life! It all starts now. Forget about yesterday and focus all your energy into making smart choices to live a healthier life. Today is truly the first day of the rest of your life!"

Jangan le hangat2 tahi ayam...Don't stop till u reach your goal! Muah..all the best!

Khamis, 5 Mei 2011


Banyak le tu setan2 dok gelak kat aku pasai tak jugak diet2. Apa kehe yeop? Tah la...dulu2 asal minat kat orang je, bersemangat diet. Mana nak cari sumber inspirasi ni? Puas dok nasihat dan pujuk diri sendiri. Tak pe..yang penting DON'T GIVE UP!

Baru2 ni baca paper pasal doktor kat Princecott letak belon dalam perut pesakit. Jadi bila makan rasa cepat kenyang je. Tak mahal sangat procedurenya. Tak perlu le operate bagai mcm gastric bypass tu. Rasa cam nak gi buat je. Nak ke tak?

Sila lihat sini untuk keterangan lanjut gastric balloon surgery

Selasa, 26 April 2011

Tahu, tapi...

Bosan! Balik2 benda yang sama. Bukan tak tahu tapi semangat takde langsung. Tak mcm masa sekolah dulu, azam kuat. Sejak bekerja ni, makin malas sbb takde exam dan takde cikgu nak tegur. I want to start small. So no dinner. Tu pun susah ke?

Ni dah Rabu dah ni. Asyik bagi can je. Bila nak turun berat tu. Dah le tak exercise. How did I end up like this? Where is my will power and passion. I used to enjoy working out. Tak leh jadi ni. Please buck up! If you fail to plan then you r planning to fail..this used to be my favourite quote when i was in form 5.

Apa nak jadi....

Ahad, 24 April 2011

Just Do it

Macam tag line nike tu..it's a very good tagline! Setelah beberapa hari muhasabah diri (dan melepaskan kempunan makan durian semalam--heheh :)), dengan rasminya diet saya bermula hari ini. So saya malas nak tulis2 diary, jadi blog ini la akan jadi diary pemakanan.

Seperti semua orang yang pernah diet (tapi tak pernah berjaya sampai ke target weight), saya dah mencuba pelbagai cara diet dan berjaya mengenalpasti kelemahan diri dalam berdiet ini. Antara diet dan produk diet yang aku pernah try
  • Duromine - ni ubat diet yang pada saya banyak side effect dan rebound effect- maksudnya kalau stop je makan ubat ni, perut aku jadi macam endless bottom- makan tak kenyang2!
  • Pastu try le pelbagai produk di pasaran- herbal life (ni ok cuma semangat aku je tak ok), jus mate 5 (ni mcm filem dia jugak la- hampeh!), and ada satu produk paling mahal aku pernah beli rm 700 tapi tak ingat plak jenamanya..dan lagi..dan lagi.
  • Diet kurang makan- takde de kurang
  • Low calorie diet - malas dah nak kira kalori
  • Atkins Diet- berjaya pada awalnya pastu semangat hilang tinggal badan je masih kus semangat!
  • yang utamanya : HANGAT-HANGAT TAHI AYAM! Tu yang jadi Yoyo diet.
  • EMOTIONAL EATER- selalu tewas apabila stress or feeling down terus grab food.
  • CRAVINGS - sebab semangat tak kuat la ni...
So, camne nak buat ni? Well, saya mengharapkan blog ni dapat membantu saya. Saya akan tulis segala mak nenek perasaan dan pemakanan saya dalam ni...dan bila dah berjaya slim akan kucanang blog ni sebagai pembakar semangat.

Rabu, 20 April 2011

Self Motivation

Susahnya nak memberi perangsang pada diri sendiri! Setiap orang yang berjaya mesti ada self motivation yang tinggi kan..Ye la kalau tak dipecahkan ruyung mana la dapat sagunya.

Allah telah berfirman di dalam Al-Quran: “….Sesungguhnya Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu sehingga mereka sendiri mengubah nasib mereka….” (Ar-Ra’du:11)

For me, I need motivation to get slim. Bukan nak slim macam Fasha Sandha tapi takat 70-80kg pun ok la..(aku skrg dah 3 angka ye! Crazy siot!). Ni aku jumpa 8 steps of self motivation from web lifehack.org.
Bole apply kepada mana2 situasi- nak pas exam ke, nak naik pangkat ke, in my case to get slim.
  • 1. Start simple.  -aku nak mula ngan no dinner je dulu.

  • 2. Keep good company. - blog ni la jadi my companion coz i am a shygal. heheh!

  • 3. Keep learning. .- yep! mcm2 diet aku baca south beach, atkins, counting calories.

  • 4. Stay Positive. - ni la masalahnya..up and down

  • 5. Stop thinking. - JUST DO IT! yeah!

  • 6. Know yourself. - appetite tahap godzila!

  • 7. Track your progress. - dlm blog nih la..

  • 8. Help others - uols la..kita tolong menolong ye..

  • Bab nak suruh aku bangun exercise aku perlu motivasi spt di bawah! Kalau jumpa page aku ye..