Sabtu, 7 Mei 2011

Lifestyle Change

No more junk food! No more sweets, cakes etc. Bole ke? Waduh..nggak bole ni bu...

I don't think i can stop taking certain food for life. Therefore the best is calorie counting. And minimise taking unhealthy food.

Tapi kan, when you do Atkins Diet, you can really feel the energy and difference after 3-4 days. The only thing is, i have to really dicipline myself.

What do you think calorie counting or Atkins? please refer for Atkins

So, how do you make a lifestyle change?

1. Start small
          -I will only drink plain water
          -I must exercise - pelan2 kayuh beb! Aku nak mula ngan walking kat threadmill everyday.
2. Reasonable Target
          - takkan nak lose 3kg a day kan?
          - aku tak nak timbang dulu, bila dah rasa baju longgar baru aku naik atas scale tu. Tak sanggup nak tengok!
3. Focus
          - selalu noo terbabas
4. Perseverance
          - Yep! Yang pipih takkan datang melayang, yang bulat takkan datang bergolek!
5. Enjoy Life
          - don't let your emotion control you. Aku tak nak makan bila marah atau sedih lagi.

So aku mula ngan plain water and exercise dulu. Wish me luck!

Jumaat, 6 Mei 2011

Wake Up Call!!

OMG!!! This is really depressing! I could not fit in my favourite XXXXL clothes anymore! I don't want to make any new wardrobe, so by hook or by crook I have to lose weight and I'm going to start tonight. Oh dear..please..please listen to your hurts all has no energy..

This is a tip from CEO of

"Its never too late to start. No matter how much you're currently overweight or how out of shape you are, you can ALWAYS start making changes and improve your life! It all starts now. Forget about yesterday and focus all your energy into making smart choices to live a healthier life. Today is truly the first day of the rest of your life!"

Jangan le hangat2 tahi ayam...Don't stop till u reach your goal! Muah..all the best!

Khamis, 5 Mei 2011


Banyak le tu setan2 dok gelak kat aku pasai tak jugak diet2. Apa kehe yeop? Tah la...dulu2 asal minat kat orang je, bersemangat diet. Mana nak cari sumber inspirasi ni? Puas dok nasihat dan pujuk diri sendiri. Tak pe..yang penting DON'T GIVE UP!

Baru2 ni baca paper pasal doktor kat Princecott letak belon dalam perut pesakit. Jadi bila makan rasa cepat kenyang je. Tak mahal sangat procedurenya. Tak perlu le operate bagai mcm gastric bypass tu. Rasa cam nak gi buat je. Nak ke tak?

Sila lihat sini untuk keterangan lanjut gastric balloon surgery