No more junk food! No more sweets, cakes etc. Bole ke? Waduh..nggak bole ni bu...
I don't think i can stop taking certain food for life. Therefore the best is calorie counting. And minimise taking unhealthy food.
Tapi kan, when you do Atkins Diet, you can really feel the energy and difference after 3-4 days. The only thing is, i have to really dicipline myself.
What do you think calorie counting or Atkins? please refer for Atkins
So, how do you make a lifestyle change?
1. Start small
-I will only drink plain water
-I must exercise - pelan2 kayuh beb! Aku nak mula ngan walking kat threadmill everyday.
2. Reasonable Target
- takkan nak lose 3kg a day kan?
- aku tak nak timbang dulu, bila dah rasa baju longgar baru aku naik atas scale tu. Tak sanggup nak tengok!
3. Focus
- selalu noo terbabas
4. Perseverance
- Yep! Yang pipih takkan datang melayang, yang bulat takkan datang bergolek!
5. Enjoy Life
- don't let your emotion control you. Aku tak nak makan bila marah atau sedih lagi.
So aku mula ngan plain water and exercise dulu. Wish me luck!
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